
Residence for agricultural entrepreneur, Casatico (PR)



Client: Azienda vitivinicola Carra
Location: Casatico, Langhirano, Parma
Project: 2019

Architectural design: Marco Contini
Collaborators: Sara Chiari, Matteo Zaccarelli

Structures: Simone Leoni
Mechanical systems: Massimo Bocchi

Type of intervention: new construction
Functional characteristics: new construction in a hilly area with landscape restrictions
Usable area: 140 mq

The project relates to a small agricultural warehouse and the home of the farm owner consisting of a living area with a kitchen, two bedrooms and related services.

At the settlement level, the objectives of the project can be summarized in the following points:

  • Note the relationship between the building and the company’s business;
  • Harmonious relationship with the main environmental elements of the site;
  • Reduce the perceptual impact of the intervention;
  • Maintaining the perception of the agricultural landscape.

The location of the building volume within an existing vineyard and a newly planted vineyard purposely highlights the link with the tenant’s activity.

Even the planimetric arrangement resumes alignment with the rows of vines which in turn out to be parallel to the historical layout that connected the castle of Torrechiara with the town of Casatico.

In order to reduce the perceptual impact of the new construction and in consideration of the particular orography of the site, it was decided to lay the building, only one floor high, along the slope by digging and collecting the volumes to the north-west. This allows to obtain a perceptual continuity between the roof and the ground, continuity also taken up by the provision of a green roof.