
Spa centre, Lesignano De’ Bagni (PR)


Client: associazione di imprese
Location: Lesignano de’ Bagni, Parma
Project: 2006-2007

Architectural design: Marco Contini, Guido Leoni

Collaborators: Sara Chiari, Giambattista Premi, Matteo Mascia

Structures and systems: Set srl / Consulenti: PROAGENCY srl,
Geology: Geode scrl

Type of intervention: new construction and recovery of existing building
Functional characteristics: spa with swimming pool, clinics, fitness area, restaurant bar, hotel
Area: 25.000 sqm

The project concerns a publicly owned area inside which there is a building that at the beginning of the twentieth century housed a small spa.

In urban terms, the choice is to enhance this area by largely preserving the size of the open space adjacent to the capital of which, in the future, it may constitute a non-urbanized border with respect to the above areas, more suited to the expansion of the town.

The expansion of the thermal structure will guarantee, in fact, the creation, on the north side of the area, of a public park in continuity with the capital on one side and with the open spaces of the wellness centre on the other, with pedestrian paths that lead both to this and to the river area.

The spatial organization seeks an autonomy of functions and accesses that allows the restaurant, the accommodation facility and the actual wellness centre to be lived independently.

The first two are placed in sequence in the southern area; the first in a new building, which may also contain some rooms, and the second inside the existing restored body of the building. From here you can directly and securely access the wellness centre, converging on the independent access of the latter used by external users.

The wellness centre is organized by taking advantage of the slope, with a sloping sequence of water-related spaces (swimming pools and tubs of various sizes and qualities, whirlpools) communicating in different ways: on one side with the outside, in which, depending on the seasons, you will have the opportunity to relax, solarium, baths, etc .; on the opposite side, the distribution spaces and related activities (massages, Turkish bath, saunas) and service areas are organized.